As we face increasing climate impacts and a rapid rise in the cost of living, what are our options for a just transition away from fossil fuels, and towards a more just world? Who pays? In this discussion, speakers will share ways they are working for a more transformational future. What are some ways we can build a more just health, transport and economic system that will make life better for people and the planet – and ensure people have enough money to live with dignity?
Mayday – Climate Justice, Indigenous Self-Determination, and International Workers Day!

So, how do these movements reconcile? What do we share and how best can support each other’s work to press for the transformative climate and social justice we need?
Brooke Pao Stanley – Auckland Action Against Poverty
Padraic Gibson – Climate activist, Socialist. Researcher w Jumbunna. UnAustralian
Morgan Godfery – Senior Lecturer. Matua. Writer. Advisor. Te Pahipoto (Ngāti Awa), Sāmoa.
Janice Panoho – Kaihautū Māori @ PSA
Budget2022 – Climate Justice Demands
Here are our demands we released in April 2022:
Stop funding polluters with free Carbon Credits
Under the government’s industrial allocation program for the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) well over $100 million in carbon credits have been handed out every year to polluters who threaten to move their business overseas like Tiwai aluminium, NZ Steel, Oji Fibre (pulp and paper), Norske Skog and Fletchers. Current law requires a 1%/yr reduction of their free credits for 10 yrs, increasing 1% a decade. If agriculture joins the ETS they will have 95% of their emissions paid for by free carbon credits. Most of these credits are just stockpiling and are not being used to replace carbon via methods such as tree planting. In most cases the ETS is a money go round while the planet burns. The ETS doesn’t work. No more free carbon credits. Polluters should be taxed to stop the pollution.
Free Public Transport
When petrol prices hit $3 recently due to rising costs and Russia’s war in the Ukraine, the government halved public transport fares and reduced petrol taxes almost overnight. There are several successful cities and countries that offer free public transport and more are being created. If we want to be serious about transitioning off fossil fuels and private vehicles then we need to get serious about public transport. Making it free helps those who are most vulnerable to climate change and can’t afford a new EV (which should be preserved for people with limited mobility, emergency services and heavy transport). Free public transport now!
No GST on food
With rising food prices from supermarket duopoly control, increasing fuel prices, agricultural damage from climate change and disrupted economies from the recent pandemic,… a goods and services tax on food is unfair and unnecessary. Food is a necessity. It must be affordable. Removing GST on food would cut costs by 15%.
Nil income tax for the poor
The main argument for not removing GST from food is that the poor would be treated the same as the rich. Not asking for income taxes from our poorest sector of society (earning under $14,000/yr), would therefore even up that scale. The poor are some of the most vulnerable people to climate change as they often can barely afford a house, a phone or bus fares, let alone land to grow food on or a plane ticket to escape disasters. A wealth tax on those earning over $1 million a year would easily cover the small loss of tax on poor people. Nil income tax for the poor.
A Liveable Income for All
We all want to live in a country where families have enough for their children to thrive and people can live with dignity in their communities., But we all know how many struggle with the cost of housing, rising cost of living and successive government’s pitiful increase in benefits that have not kept up with inflation. This poverty comes at a terrible cost to wellbeing, and there is much evidence to show how governments can make a difference. Increase benefits as recommended by the Welfare Expert Advisory Group, make sure all working people earn at least the living wage and ensure these rates are indexed to inflation and the average wage.
Capital gains tax now
A decent home is what we hope for all people in Aotearoa but for too many the cost of a roof over our heads means poverty and homelessness. With underinvestment in social housing and policies that benefit the rich, Aotearoa is one of the most expensive places in the world to buy a house and rent. With no tax on capital gains, landlords can choose to leave houses empty to profit unfairly from the capital gain. Multiple property owners can earn from the increase in values of their properties without paying tax. A capital gains tax would create more fairness in the tax system – where those who earn from all sources of income including their housing wealth, contribute to our collective wellbeing. Alongside rapidly increasing the number of publicly owned housing, this could help cool the heated property market too, bringing the cost of housing down and freeing up income to really help those who need it most.
Pay Health Workers More
Healthcare workers have worked tirelessly on the frontlines of the pandemic, putting themselves and their families at risk to keep our communities safe. Years of government under-investment in the health sector mean that often these workers operate understaffed and in facilities which aren’t ideal.
Climate change only threatens to increase these pressures as a future with more pandemics, more natural disasters and more deadly diseases becomes reality.
Right now in the peak of Omicron where many of our healthcare workers face the very real possibility of burnout, we’re calling on the Government to pay health workers more, to increase staff numbers and reduce workloads.
Climate Justice – who pays for a just transition? Friday 1st April 7.30-9pm
Last year, Rise Up for Climate Justice hosted two webinars about Parihaka and Direct Action. We are excited to share this new series with you.
Every first of the month Rise Up for Climate Justice will host discussions across a range of climate justice themes to bring us together and inspire actions in our local communities. Our first webinar is Friday 1st April 7.30-9pm.
To register – click on this link and we will send you the zoom link. Please note, there can be a short wait while the app downloads.
Climate Justice – who pays for a just transition?
Friday 1st April 7.30-9pm
As we face increasing climate impacts and a rapid rise in the cost of living, what are our options for a just transition away from fossil fuels, and towards a more just world? Who pays? In this discussion, speakers will share ways they are working for a more transformational future. What are some ways we can build a more just health, transport and economic system that will make life better for people and the planet – and ensure people have enough money to live with dignity?
We will also launch a set of demands for Budget 2022.
Here’s the facebook event. We will share more information about our speakers here.
Please register here.
Speakers confirmed so far:
Edward Miller is the Researcher and Policy Analyst at FIRST Union, a private sector union with 30,000 members in the transport, logistics, manufacturing, retail, finance and wood sectors. He works from his home office in Whangarei. Edward’s interests include international trade and investment, climate change, modern slavery and nationalising the means of production, distribution and exchange.
Roger Fowler – long-time activist in the peace and union movement, advocate of free public transport. Roger edits the farefreenz blog: and attended two international conferences on Free Public Transport in Tallinn, Estonia. He is currently Chair of the Māngere East Community Centre in South Auckland, and a part time bus driver.
Mika Hervel is a student at Victoria University studying Law, History and Political Science. Originally from Nelson, Mika has spent the past year working on the Free Fares campaign in both Nelson and Wellington. He is passionate about environmental and social justice.
Look forward to seeing you!
Ngā mihi nui Rise Up crew
Announcement: ‘Rise Up for Climate Justice’ to go local and online 3-6 November! National event postponed
We know how important it is to connect and get to know one another, learning together and taking action, which was one of the intentions of the Rise Up for Climate Justice event. With the current covid situation, we have decided that we would not be able to comfortably hold a national convergence of people from around Aotearoa to meet in Taranaki.
We have decided to decentralise the event by holding an online webinar followed by local and online actions across the motu from 3-6 November. Our days of local and online action are Friday the 5th of November (Parihaka Invasion Day) and Saturday the 6th of November (International Day of Climate Action for COP26). The national event is postponed to a later date.
We believe that people need to connect and collaborate for climate justice – that the Government is moving too slowly and with false solutions – real change and action to stop climate change industries is needed. Therefore we are calling upon people all around Aotearoa to take action locally! Connect with people in your area and community to Rise Up for Climate Justice. Local groups are in the process of organising some actions which you are welcome to join or feel free to create your own.
Our agreed demands are:
– End extraction of fossil fuels
– Ban industrial fertiliser
– End dairy exports, and
– No false solutions (like hydrogen)
More information and educational resources will be released about this later this week to help you join or organise a local action, and feel confident and informed.
Email us on or stay tuned to our social media channels and website for updates! We are excited about the growing climate movement at this time and are glad to have you involved in the upcoming events!
We leave you with some korero from Parihaka:
TE KAWENATA O RONGO, PRESENT – FUTURE: ‘Whakarongo ake, hei hinu koa ki runga ki ho koutou pane, he pakanga i waiho ake e o koutou tipuna. Ahakoa whakarumakina e te hoa, ka puea ano, e nganganamai ra i te puke, ka kite te iti me te rahi. Whakaeketia te moana waiwai, te moana tuatua, te moana oruoru, koi whakatupuria he kawa ora. Whakaterea te ara rau a Tangaroa, pakeke kau te ara tapokorau o nehe, unuhia te ara ruiti a Tane. Ta te hae ka nawe, ta te pai ka tau, i te hari, i te koa. Me he popoko i te rua, me he tatara- moeone i te rua, whakaeaea ki te hau. Kita, kita i te wiwi, i te wawa, kei mou ki taihua, te akinga a-tai, te paringa a-tai, i te taimaha, taikaha o te ao. Ko toku kaha me toku reo, hei reo whakahaere ki tenei whakatupuranga, hei tangata whakaaraara koe mo nga iwi e rua. E kore tou reo e taea te pehi e nga mounga nunui, e kore tou mangai e taea te kopani e nga mounga nunui, e nga pukepuke o te motu nei. Ka haepapa i tou reo, ka whakahaere tikanga koe mo te kino kia mate i te pai.’
‘Listen, for you have a role to fulfil, it is a challenge left to you by your ancestors. Though you may be overwhelmed by your neighbour, success will come, a glow will be on the mountain skyline, to be seen by all. Go out on open seas, unsettled and surging seas to find new and bountiful existence. This commitment has set sail on Tangaroa of limitless paths, refraining from the arduous and boggy paths we once traveled, allowing them to pass from this world. Violence scars, while that shown care will be strong, self-assured and confident. As an ant in the burrow, as a juvenile cicada maturing in the earth, to emerge into the open. Be surrounded with the cacophony of confidence, lest you be confined to the shore, pulled by tides, swamped by waves of all that is heavy and harsh in this world. All my strength and my voice is guidance to this generation, that you be the empowerer of both peoples. Your voice cannot be smothered by the authorities, your voice cannot be silenced by the powerful, nor the turbulent events of this land. Should your voice be abolished, you will use tikanga to respond to the hatred, overcoming it with kindness.’
COVID update and Guidelines
Tena ra koutou, due to COVID we will be announcing this Sunday night 17th October whether the event will continue as planned in Taranaki or shift online and to localised actions.
Rise up for Climate Justice will be possible at Level 2 with the following precautions:
- Registrations will be limited to 100 (due to outdoor event number restrictions)
- Please stay home if you are ill or have symptoms
- We strongly encourage you to vaccinate if you can
- Camp nearby or at the marae if possible, instead of sleeping in the wharenui at the marae
- Travel with people you know if possible, and wear masks if you don’t
- Maintain good hygiene – wash hands frequently
- Keep track of where you have been through the Covid app or contact tracing records
- Avoiding greetings that require close physical contact — for example, hongi, harirū, kissing or hugging with people you do not live with or who are outside your bubble
- Follow the guidelines organisers give at venues – maintain social distancing with people you don’t know and wear a mask
This is subject to change. The organisers strongly prioritise health and well being of all participants and will do everything possible to minimise health risks.
Safer Spaces Policy
Background for policy
- The organising group for the Rise up for Climate Justice aims to provide a space that is welcoming to all types of people.
- A safer space seeks to critique and dismantle oppressive power structures both within the organising space itself (at a rally or meeting, for example), and in the wider world outside the space.
- Safer spaces are not only spaces which acknowledge and work to reduce harmful and oppressive behaviour, they are also spaces where our wellbeing is valued, where mental health challenges and distress isn’t stigmatised, and where we support each other to have the care we need, as much as possible.
- Forms of oppression, domination and discrimination include but are not limited to: racism, colonialism, patriarchy, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, transmisogyny, ableism, classism, fatphobia, and ageism.
- In keeping with the rally principles, we are committed to creating safer spaces for those most affected by climate change, including tangata whenua and other Indigenous Peoples, people of colour, women, children, the working class and the economically marginalised.
- Our organising spaces are located on colonised land. We acknowledge mana whenua as the rightful kaitiaki of Aotearoa, and recognise that tino rangatiratanga was never ceded.
Timeline of Events
Here is a rundown on what to expect on each of the five days of Rise Up For Climate Justice. More detail to come.
- Wednesday 3 November – 5pm powhiri, kai, introduction, whakawhanaungatanga
- Thursday 4 November – wananga and workshops, networking
- Friday 5 November – action prep, action linking colonisation to climate change
- Saturday 6 November – international day of action
- Sunday 7 November – clean up, poroaki
Climate Justice Coalition To Protest Big Polluters In Taranaki
PRESS RELEASE – 19th September 2021
“If the government won’t rise up for climate justice, we will” says Emily Bailey from Climate Justice Taranaki, which is gathering with a coalition of social justice and environmental groups from across Aotearoa to protest in Taranaki during the COP26 international climate negotiations in November.
“We are sick of waiting for the government to take the urgent action needed to cut greenhouse gas emissions and actually transition the country off fossil fuels. Thursday’s announcement that the Emissions Reduction Plan will be delayed for five months just emphasises the need for people to push back against business as usual and demand real change, not hypothetical or harmful techno-fixes and a disastrous carbon trading and offset system,” said Bailey.
The coalition invites people to meet in South Taranaki from the 3rd to 7th of November for an event called ‘Rise Up for Climate Justice’. The aim is to grow the climate justice movement, deepen the conversation around real transition off fossil fuels and focus on just solutions, and to take non-violent direct action against major climate polluters.
The event will see two days of protest action. “The 5th of November is the day colonial troops invaded Parihaka after 21 years of bloody war across the country to take land and resources from Māori. A war which has continued through systemic racism and an extractive economy has now led to the devastating social and environmental crises before us,” said Bailey. The 6th of November has been announced in Scotland as a Global Day of Action for climate justice with many protests confirmed across the world.