Mayday – Climate Justice, Indigenous Self-Determination, and International Workers Day!

Capitalism is a common enemy of unionists, climate justice and indigenous rights advocates, yet at times these 3 have been openly critical of each other.
What is tika and just in the eyes of one doesn’t always align neatly within the Kaupapa and aspirations of the others.
So, how do these movements reconcile? What do we share and how best can support each other’s work to press for the transformative climate and social justice we need?
Join us this May 1st, International Workers Day as we hear from those pushing radical decolonisation and anti-capitalist agendas from within the union movement. Register here:


  • Brooke Pao Stanley – Auckland Action Against Poverty
  • Padraic Gibson – Climate activist, Socialist. Researcher w Jumbunna. UnAustralian
  • Morgan Godfery – Senior Lecturer. Matua. Writer. Advisor. Te Pahipoto (Ngāti Awa), Sāmoa.
  • Janice Panoho – Kaihautū Māori @ PSA