COVID update and Guidelines

Tena ra koutou, due to COVID we will be announcing this Sunday night 17th October whether the event will continue as planned in Taranaki or shift online and to localised actions.

Rise up for Climate Justice will be possible at Level 2 with the following precautions:

  • Registrations will be limited to 100 (due to outdoor event number restrictions)
  • Please stay home if you are ill or have symptoms
  • We strongly encourage you to vaccinate if you can
  • Camp nearby or at the marae if possible, instead of sleeping in the wharenui at the marae
  • Travel with people you know if possible, and wear masks if you don’t
  • Maintain good hygiene – wash hands frequently
  • Keep track of where you have been through the Covid app or contact tracing records
  • Avoiding greetings that require close physical contact — for example, hongi, harirū, kissing or hugging with people you do not live with or who are outside your bubble
  • Follow the guidelines organisers give at venues – maintain social distancing with people you don’t know and wear a mask

This is subject to change. The organisers strongly prioritise health and well being of all participants and will do everything possible to minimise health risks.